A mysterious and intoxicating pop romance, Ryûsuke Hamaguchi’s follow-up to the acclaimed Happy Hour begins with Asako, a young woman who meets and falls madly in love with a drifter, Baku, who one day drifts right out of her life. Two years later, working in Tokyo, Asako sees Baku again — or, rather, a young, solid businessman named Ryohei who bears a striking resemblance to her old flame. They begin building a happy life together until traces of Asako’s past start to resurface. (Grasshopper)
Friday, August 23: 7:30pm
Saturday, August 24: 4:30pm & 7:30pm
Sunday, August 25: 3:30pm
All screenings at the Ahyra Fine Arts.
A knockout.
- Vadim Rizov, Filmmaker Magazine
Bewitching and sometimes unsettling… Hamaguchi executes [the premise] with elegantly rendered realism.
- Glenn Kenny, The New York Times
Enchanting... Playful and profound... A truly original riff on the doppelgänger touchstone that is Vertigo.
- Dennis Lim, Film Comment
An exquisite showcase for nuanced performances and a filmmaker in complete control... Hamaguchi is one of the most innovative filmmakers in contemporary Asian cinema.
- Eric Kohn, Indiewire
A precise and romantic work, paying close attention to the evolution of its characters. Captivates above all by the delicacy of its editing. Hamaguchi describes love as the perpetual reiteration of an initial impression.
- Mathieu Macheret, Le Monde
(Available to download after screening date)