When Mara (Deragh Campbell), a young creative writing professor, reunites with Matt (Matt Johnson), a charismatic, free-spirited author from her past, a chance encounter threatens to spin her life in a thrilling new direction. Bonded by their history and shared interests, the two grow closer, while Mara contends with her strained marriage to an experimental musician. When her husband unexpectedly cancels plans to drive Mara to a conference out of town, Matt accompanies her instead and the pressure in their undefined relationship slowly builds.
Following the acclaimed Anne at 13,000 Ft., Matt and Mara is the latest collaboration between director Kazik Radwanski (How Heavy This Hammer) and actress Deragh Campbell (MS Slavic 7). Official selection: Berlinale, Jeonju, TIFF.
TRT: 80 min
In person: Kazik Radwanski and Deragh Campbell
"A sly and sharply observed comedy." —Stephen Saito, Moveable Fest
"Beautifully quiet, wry but heart-wrenching." —Susana Bessa, Senses of Cinema
"Campbell and Johnson have an undeniable chemistry that is magnified by the improvisational freedom of the picture’s approach." —Wendy Ide, Screen
"The naturalistic camerawork and performances ground the film in realism, creating a wry dramedy that refuses to placate us with easy answers or condescension." —Hannah Strong, Little White Lies
"This is a careful, considered and considerate film, an authentic portrait of two people at a transformative moment full of all the life and humour and contradictions shared by us all." —Alexandra Heller-Nicholas, AWFJ.org
(Available to download after screening date)